Strong Start

UCA’s Strong Start Program is available in hourly installments (with discounted bundles) as early as grade 1. Although student support is critical, Strong Start is perhaps more important for parents. This is NOT tutoring. UCA offers valuable guidance in many areas, including: the proper balance between a Benevolent Dictator and a Role Model; understanding how different activities affect the development of a young brain; and implementing Positive Psychology into a child’s mental, emotional and physical growth. The goal of Strong Start is to empower parents to make the best possible decisions about their child’s development.


SAT/ACT Tutoring

UCA offers expert tutoring for the SAT and ACT reasoning tests. This is more than just teaching content. UCA teaches test-taking strategies – intellectual, emotional, and physical – beginning with the “UCA Superlative” which provides an intelligent explanation of your preferred test as well as “how to” training to maximize student efforts.


Pre-Med Advising

UCA developed its Pre-Med Advising Service based upon the experiences of our pre-health students, who found that universities do not provide the depth of knowledge, quantity of assistance, or breadth of opportunities that health students need and deserve. This “bridge” program is designed for all health professions – medicine, osteopathy, nursing, dentistry, even veterinary – and gives guidance about acquiring relevant experience, networking, and even effective recording of your efforts. The Pre-Med Advising Service is designed to prepare you for your graduate school applications.


Career Counseling Service

When students leave home and enter the college environment, new voices and relatively young “advisors” usually influence life paths … for better or worse. UCA’s Career Counseling Service utilizes professional career planners and formal testing to supplement the lessons learned during UCA’s Guided Self-Analysis profiling. Course selection, career discussion, and even networking are important parts of this “bridge” program, which is intended to provide a partner to help young college students make their best decisions.


Life Launch

To complete our cycle of support, UCA designed Life Launch for students who are completing their education and looking forward to the best possible lives. Life Launch provides career advising; skills training for networking, public speaking, writing, and personal branding; top-quality resume, cover letter and job application guidance; interview preparation; on-the-job strategies for better performance evaluations, raises and promotions; basic financial literacy; and milestone planning for individual and family needs. Life Launch is available in hourly installments (with discounted bundles).

